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X-Windows Notes

X Terminal Word Selection

I like the way wterm (WindowMaker terminal) defines word boundaries. However, I often also use the standard X-Windows terminal xterm which has a different definition of a word boundary compared to wterm. Fortunately you can alter this with the charClass resource. To do so, add the following line to your X-Windows resource file:

XTerm*charClass: 33:48, 35-37:48, 43:48, 45-58:48, 65-90:48, 95:48, 97-122:48

For reference, the 2 tables below list the key codes which define a word boundary for wterm resp. xterm. Note that wterm defines word separators while xterm defines word selectors.

wterm Word Separators
9,32 tab space
34 "
38-42 & ' ( ) *
44 ,
59-64 ; < = > ? @
91-94 [ \ ] ^
96 `
123-126 { | } ~
xterm Word Selectors
33 !
35-37 # $ %
43 +
45-58 , ... :
65-90 A ... Z
95 _
97-122 a ... z